The Genosis programme in Malaysia is in its first year of implementation across ten public secondary schools. The Genosis Framework is designed to embed student inquiry, global awareness and future skills in the delivery of any national curriculum. Funded by the National Innovation Agency of Malaysia and the Genovasi Foundation, the ambition is to provide an accreditation framework for ASEAN schools that could serve as an alternative to existing and more costly programmes. Two of the key differentiators of the Genosis programme are the focus on embedding Design Thinking in the teaching of core subjects, as well as the exportable student e-portfolio which provides an evaluation of student attributes developed over the course of their high school journey.
Genosis Investigations utilise the 5-step Design Thinking process for structured inquiry in the classroom. Learners are tasked to solve real-life problems by applying and deepening their curriculum knowledge. In the process, they develop Genosis Attributes and a deeper understanding of Genosis Skills, Themes and Concepts. As learners complete a structured process of ‘Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test’, they add evidence of this learning process to their individual e-portfolios. They reflect on their learning behaviours and assess themselves against Genosis Benchmarks and Beacons for students. Educators also assess their leaners’ submissions based on their performance in class as well as the uploaded evidence and reflection done by the individual learner.
As a result of repeated submissions and evaluations, a very comprehensive picture of the learner is developed, showcasing his or her ability to think deeply and develop innovation, solve problems, collaborate and communicate, practice leadership skills, show resilience and courage in the face of difficulties, and also develop a virtuous character. Simultaneously, the learner develops a deeper understanding of the world through empathy – a key skill in emotionally intelligent adults. Furthermore, learners also develop IT skills through their engagement with the e-portal, online research, and the use of smartphones and other devices to produce videos or related products. Creative and observation skills are enhanced and most importantly, complements total engagement with the learning process.
Embedding Genosis Investigations into everyday teaching and learning, as a vehicle for deep learning and understanding, will drive innovation in Malaysia and beyond. For some educators, it can be quite a challenge to change mindsets and to embrace a cross-curricular approach in delivering curriculum content. In classes where teachers are beginning to see the value of this learning and teaching approach, the learners are enthusiastic, and most interestingly, they surprise these educators with their ability to develop creative and innovative solutions. The most important barrier for many teachers is handing the learning over to the students and moving away from a didactic and textbook-based teaching approach that is entirely focused on public examinations (which in Malaysia and most other countries, still requires rote-learning).
For teachers who find themselves in this conundrum of exams vs deep thinking and inquiry-based approach, or even those stuck in a state of learned helplessness and a fixed mindset, the advice is simple: results will follow when your learners are truly engaged. You might find that you do not have to do so much revision, since they will find answers and explanations from their peers. You may also discover that they will develop deep insight and understanding as a result of the focus on concepts and cross-curricular application of learning, and will look for answers themselves when there is meaning and ownership attached to their own learning.
Our Malaysian educators who are currently implementing the Genosis programme are pioneers who realise that assessment in its current form will change, and that our learners will be challenged to demonstrate their creativity, problem solving and innovative skills. Genosis is paving the way for changing learning in Malaysia, and it is our hope, in developing nations worldwide.

SWOT Analysis & Crazy 8 activity
Form 1 student work (12-13 years old, English second language speakers)