Here, you’ll find the 2019/20 (2020) Reimagine Education Award winners – those who were selected by an extended panel of over 180 international judges as achieving outstanding standards for innovation, scalability, efficacy, and uniqueness. The winners were awarded on 9th-10th December 2019, and their win pertains to an application submitted during the 2019/20 academic year.

Kindly sponsored by King Saud University
The CYBATHLON is a unique international competition in which people with physical disabilities compete against each other in one of six disciplines to complete everyday tasks using state-of-the-art technical assistance systems. For the competition people with disabilities form a team with a technology developer or more concretely researchers and experts at universities and firms. This means that devices are not only tested in labs but on everyday activities and by people who can share their first-hand experiences of these situations. Furthermore, the CYBATHLON provides a common platform for technology developers, people with disabilities, and the general public.

Kindly sponsored by Amazon Web Services
Lyfta brings beautifully crafted immersive storyworlds into classrooms, so children can discover exciting new places and inspiring people from around the world.
Children on the autism spectrum exhibit a wide range of behaviours, including: difficulty relating to others and understanding unwritten rules, difficulty in communicating (some may communicate in a non verbal way), and difficulty with thinking flexibly eg how to cope when plans change. Children on the autism spectrum can have a range of communication difficulties. Having worked in numerous special education schools and with children’s disability charities, the Lyfta team is passionate about helping teachers provide an inspiring and exciting way to engage and teach autistic children the curriculum and many important skills and values.
Lyfta combines people, place and pedagogy. Their aim is to ensure that their 360 environments are home to interesting and visually stimulating multimedia content and powerful short documentary films. Lyfta’s quest tracker (which communicates the tasks the teacher has designed in his/her lesson plan) “scaffolds” each child’s learning experience so they can explore and learn independently, freeing up the teacher to facilitate, roam the classroom and support as required.
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Gold Award Winner CENTURY TECH [popup_trigger id=”8222″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner GULF MEDICAL UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8231″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner DAMVAD ANALYTICS [popup_trigger id=”8227″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner ACCREDIBLE [popup_trigger id=”8383″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner UNIVERSITY OF MILANO – BICOCCA, UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA, CINECA [popup_trigger id=”8385″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner PWC [popup_trigger id=”8387″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner GOOD WORK FOUNDATION: CULTIVATING CURIOSITY [popup_trigger id=”8258″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner NBA MATH HOOPS [popup_trigger id=”8276″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner I-SPACE: A MAKERSPACE AND COMMUNITY FOR STUDENTS OF ALL BACKGROUNDS AT THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY [popup_trigger id=”8279″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner DIGITAL GIZA: VISUALIZING THE PYRAMIDS WITH A HARVARD “EDUCATIONAL TELEPRESENCE” CASE STUDY [popup_trigger id=”8291″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner MUSE BY SABAQ [popup_trigger id=”8294″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner TALEEMABAD LEARNING APP [popup_trigger id=”8297″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner LYFTA [popup_trigger id=”8310″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner MYLIBRARY: TEKKATHO FOUNDATION [popup_trigger id=”8313″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner YOTEACH!: DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8316″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner SPEAK – ACHIEVEMENTS WORTH MEASURING [popup_trigger id=”8330″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner WORLDREADER [popup_trigger id=”8333″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner QRIDI – LEARNING ANALYTICS AND EVALUATION PLATFORM [popup_trigger id=”8335″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG [popup_trigger id=”8347″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner THREE2SIX CHILDREN’S REFUGEE PROJECT [popup_trigger id=”8350″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner ECLOSE INSTITUTE [popup_trigger id=”8353″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner THE OCEAN RACE SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION PROGRAMME [popup_trigger id=”8365″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner INTERNATIONAL CHANGEMAKER OLYMPIAD – EMPOWERING KIDS TO TAKE ACTION TO SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS [popup_trigger id=”8368″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner IMAGINE INCLUSIVE BANDS [popup_trigger id=”8371″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner FUTURE OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION ALLIANCE (FOME) [popup_trigger id=”8108″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner ESCP EUROPE [popup_trigger id=”8112″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner GEORGIA TECH ONLINE MSCS PROGRAM [popup_trigger id=”8234″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner MITX MICROMASTERS PROGRAM IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT [popup_trigger id=”8237″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner IMPERIAL COLLEGE BUSINESS SCHOOL’S ‘GLOCAL’ MBA PROGRAMME [popup_trigger id=”8240″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND [popup_trigger id=”8243″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8247″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winners SINGAPORE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY (SMU) [popup_trigger id=”10096″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA, PETER B. GUSTAVSON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS [popup_trigger id=”8251″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner OPENSTUDIO: DEVELOPING ESSENTIAL HUMAN SKILLS IN A REMOTE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT [popup_trigger id=”8282″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner THE FUTURE OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION (FOME): A GLOBAL EDTECH ALLIANCE [popup_trigger id=”8285″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner RASPBERRY PI FOUNDATION [popup_trigger id=”8288″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner OPERATION OUTBREAK: SARASOTA MILITARY ACADEMY PREP [popup_trigger id=”8300″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner GREEN SHOOTS [popup_trigger id=”8303″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8306″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner QUT’S STEM SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM [popup_trigger id=”8320″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner IMAGINE SCHOLAR [popup_trigger id=”8323″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner LEGO EDUCATION [popup_trigger id=”8327″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner RIIPEN [popup_trigger id=”8338″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner EHL SWISS SCHOOL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY [popup_trigger id=”8341″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner QUT [popup_trigger id=”8344″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner THE SUPERMEMO METHOD [popup_trigger id=”8356″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY [popup_trigger id=”8359″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner EFFICIENT LANGUAGE COACHING LTD [popup_trigger id=”8362″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner IMPERIAL COLLEGE BUSINESS SCHOOL [popup_trigger id=”8375″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner PRECISION OS [popup_trigger id=”8378″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner CLEVERBOOKS [popup_trigger id=”8381″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |

Winners of the Reimagine Education Discipline Awards will receive official certification in recognition of their achievement.
Gold Award Winner IMAGINE SCHOLAR [popup_trigger id=”8092″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner IMAGINE INCLUSIVE BANDS [popup_trigger id=”8101″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner TALEEMABAD LEARNING [popup_trigger id=”8104″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner RASPBERRY PI [popup_trigger id=”8115″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner TECNOLOGICO D MONTERREY [popup_trigger id=”8120″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY [popup_trigger id=”8122″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner QATAR UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8125″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner PRECISION OS [popup_trigger id=”8130″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner GULF MEDICAL UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8132″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner QATAR UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8134″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8139″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner FOUR FERRIES OY [popup_trigger id=”8141″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner LEAP AFRICA: ILEAD [popup_trigger id=”8143″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner ELYSIUM: EHL SWISS SCHOOL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY [popup_trigger id=”8148″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner YONSEI UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8150″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Winners of the Reimagine Education Regional Awards will receive official certification in recognition of their achievement.
Gold Award Winner SNAPPLIFY [popup_trigger id=”8155″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner IMAGINE SCHOLAR [popup_trigger id=”8160″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner GOOD WORK FOUNDATION [popup_trigger id=”8162″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner INTERNATIONAL CHANGEMAKER OLYMPIAD – EMPOWERING KIDS TO TAKE ACTION TO SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS [popup_trigger id=”8165″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner I-SPACE: A MAKERSPACE AND COMMUNITY FOR STUDENTS OF ALL BACKGROUNDS AT THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY [popup_trigger id=”8171″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner SINGAPORE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8173″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner WORLDREADER [popup_trigger id=”8175″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner QRIDI – LEARNING ANALYTICS AND EVALUATION PLATFORM [popup_trigger id=”8180″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner LEGO EDUCATION [popup_trigger id=”8182″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner UNIVERSIDAD DE PALERMO – ARGENTINA [popup_trigger id=”8184″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
[popup_trigger id=”8189″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ABC – UFABC [popup_trigger id=”8191″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner QATAR UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8193″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner QATAR UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8195″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner GULF MEDICAL UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8197″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner NBA MATH HOOPS [popup_trigger id=”8199″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner PRECISION OS TECHNOLOGY [popup_trigger id=”8203″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY [popup_trigger id=”8205″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Gold Award Winner MONASH UNIVERSITY [popup_trigger id=”8207″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Silver Award Winner QUT [popup_trigger id=”8212″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |
Bronze Award Winner VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON [popup_trigger id=”8214″] [View Entry] [/popup_trigger] |