Dearest listeners,
It’s our birthday.
Today, The Edtech Podcast is three years old! Thank you to all of our supporters, new and old, who have helped us along the way. A quick reprise and some announcements of what we’ve got coming up here. If you’re feeling especially generous feel free to give us a rate or review at iTunes etc. where you listen in.
What’s in this week’s episode?
Welcome to episode three of the Education 4.0 series, co-curated with our friends at Jisc, looking at where, when and how learning will happen when many of us spend lots of time online.
We worked super-hard on this episode of The Edtech Podcast, looking at Online Education. James Clay at Jisc gave us the run-down on synchronous and asynchronous, formal and informal online learning, Hattie Abretti, Digital Learning Development Manager, at a fast-growing FE college in the UK, talked about the importance of quality and community, whilst Shira Liberty, Global Director of Education, Selina and Seth Haberman, CEO, Sense Education talked about two very different ways to crack engagement online (think beaches vs. batches).

What’s in this episode?
- Sophie Bailey is the Founder and Presenter of The Edtech Podcast | Twitter: @podcastedtech
- James Clay, Head for Higher Education teaching and learning, Jisc | Twitter: @jamesclay
- Hattie Abretti, Digital Learning Development Manager, Weston College | Twitter: @westoncollege
- Shira Liberty, Global Director of Education, Selina | Instagram: @Selina
- Seth Haberman, CEO, Sense Education | Twitter: @sethhaberman
- Cameo: Listeners Dr Sam Fecich, Assistant Professor of Education at Grove City College, and Alan Bartlett, CEO, Scintilla AI
- Selina
- San Cristóbal, Mexico
- The Nomad Campus
- Pedasi, Panama
- Venao, Panama
- Harvard
- Shira Liberty
- You can listen to the full uncut and unmixed interviews here
We’d love to hear your thoughts. Record a quick free voicemail via speakpipe for inclusion in the next episode. Or you can post your thoughts or follow-on links via twitter @podcastedtech or via The Edtech Podcast Facebook page or Instagram.