Dear Reimaginers,
The tenth edition of the Reimagine Education newsletter brings good news for those seeking to be selected as one of 2017’s top educationalists:
The submissions deadline has been extended to Sunday 10th September 2017.
This deadline extension has been approved by our Steering Committee in response to higher-than-expected demand from applicants: we are currently expecting, based on current projections, a near-doubling of submissions to the competition, and we are keen to ensure that all those working to improve education have the opportunity to enter.
This new deadline has been selected to ensure that our 200-strong cohort of judges will have sufficient time to evaluate all projects carefully.
For those of you that have submitted an application, congratulations! Your project will be distributed to judges in the coming fortnight. All that remains is for you to secure your place at December’s conference (4th-5th), which can be done by following this link.

For those of you nearing completion, we encourage you to attempt to complete your project by the initial deadline of 31st July 2017: ensuring that as many projects as possible are allocated to our judges will improve the quality and efficiency of the judging process.
For those of you that have not yet started an application: now’s the time! You have six weeks to begin an application for one of our 16 award categories at

This week has also brought more exciting news regarding this year’s edition of our conference. Google, MIT, and IBM had already confirmed their speaking participation.
They will now be joined by a representative from Amazon, a New York Times bestselling author, and a prominent figure at the Wharton Business School. To find out who’ll be contributing to our luminary-led conversations this year, read on…
Our Early Bird offer remains open for one more week: to join our elite educational forum at a discount, visit our booking portal.
News & Contributions
This edition also features, as usual, content from our network of innovators, including:
- James Fangmeyer Jr. of Tecnologico de Monterrey, whose Professor Avatar model uses robotics to bring quality education to even the remotest location;
- Emanuele Ferrari, who is bringing together the concert and the lecture – and was shortlisted for last year’s Reimagine Education Awards for doing so. To see Emanuele’s unique concert-lectures, presented at Brown University this year, read on…
Anyone who wishes to submit an article on their work, research, product, or paper for our newsletter is, as ever, welcome to contact [email protected] with an 100-word summary of their proposed topic. Until then – keep innovating!
Jack Moran
Reimagine Education